Time heals all wounds. That statement works in most situations but not when you are living in a house.
Neglecting a section of a home or even forgetting about a minor problem can create significant problems. Whether you notice small cracks or mold growth, it is critical to act quickly. Solve the issue because any delays will result in further destruction. It is true that a stitch in time saves nine.
Most water problems are easier to fix if you tackle the issue within 24 hours. The real problem begins when the problems remain unnoticed for a long time.
How Can Water Damage the Interior of Your Property?
Water can go deep down. Because of this quality of water, it can damage the underlying insulation and supportive structure. Structural issues are hard to fix and can cost you big money.
- Immediately contact a local water damage restoration company. Do not leave everything soaking in water. You need to take action as soon as you become aware of the issue.
- Dry your house. You can use a dehumidifier or a fan.
- Use a non-ammonia detergent to clean the damaged surface or floor.
- Cut out or remove the portion of drywall that was damaged because of water penetration. Take action within the first 48 hours. It might prevent mold from growing in that area of the house.
Signs of Water Damage
A burst pipe, flood, and a leaking roof can be a reason behind the problem. Most of the time, you can find out about the problem. However, in some cases, the problem remains hidden. Something feels awkward inside your house, but you do not know what it is. Here are a few signs that might help you locate water damage in your home.
Swollen Drywalls:
When the water accumulates inside the drywall, the surface becomes swollen. You can feel that by touching the exterior or by examining the wall in detail. It is possible that water problem might be restricted to one area and removing that section might help.
When water stays in one area, it creates a nasty smell. As a homeowner, you may not feel it quite well, but outsiders can surely detect the presence of water inside your property.
Mold Growth:
Presence of mold is a sure sign of a water problem. Immediately investigate the issue. Mold starts growing in just 48 hours after the creation of a suitable environment.
The severity of the Problem
Water problems can cause health problems. They can damage your home. Before you can think of treatment, you need to gauge the severity of the problem.
1.Clean Water:
Clean water does not cause health issues. Overflowing washing machine or sink overflow might cause category one problem.
2.Gray Water:
It is contaminated water. Broken toilet and broken pipes may cause this issue.
3.Black Water:
This is probably sewage water. A broken sewer line can cause this issue. You need to check your house as well as the main sewer line in your area. This type of water can cause serious health issues. Immediately contact a local company.
Review Your Insurance Policy
Read your insurance documents to see if the policy will cover the loss. Most likely, the insurance company pays for accidental loss. That means if the water damage was the result of ‘regular wear & tear’ or non-maintenance; the company will not bear the loss. You should check out the insurance coverage. Take photos of the broken things. Do not destroy items before someone from the insurance company checks with you.
How Much Will It Cost to Fix the Problem?
An inspection report will tell you what the root of the problem is. It might be the result of non-maintenance. A burst pipe, a leaking roof, heavy snow, a clogged toilet, plumbing leaks, foundation cracks and flood are a few reasons.
Once you know the source of the problem, you need to know the cost of fixing the issue.
Contact at least three contractors in your area. Give them the inspection report. Ask your, contractors, to provide an estimate for repairs including:
- The cost of fixing the core problem
- The cost of repairing the damage
- Also, the cost of remediating mold
You will need to replace/repair broken items. Wooden items may need complete replacement as well as fabric and other personal things. Once you know the cost, you can decide what to do with the property. Homes damaged because of the flood are hard to fix and often require a complete remodel. Similarly, if you do not notice the water problem for weeks, it means the water has likely damaged the structure and will cost you thousands of dollars to repair the house. Get estimates from your contractors. If possible, have them do an on-site inspection so they can know precisely the scope of the problem.
Sell Your House Fast As-Is
Depending on the cost of repairs, it might be better to sell the house as-is. By selling the home as-is, you can avoid spending money on costly repairs. Severe water damage can destroy the foundation and the structure of your house which in turn requires a complete makeover. It is not advised to tackle such remodeling projects because even after an extensive renovation, it will be difficult to sell your home on the retail market.
People do not want a house that was restored to avoid any future problems. In that case, your best option is to sell your home to a reputable cash buying firm in Connecticut. You can sell your home as-is without spending money on agent commissions, repairs, or marketing.
Click here to know more about selling your water damaged house.